Relationship Advice for the Awakening Individual: LIVE Episode of The Sparkling Hippie Podcast

Relationship Advice for Awakened Souls: Episode 34 TSH Podcast


Catch the Live Video from Facebook here!

Catch the Live Video from Facebook here!

There’s one MASSIVE underlying rule to all relationships (and relationships that don’t yet exist) that we ALL need to learn and memorize.

Whether your single and ready to mingle, married and thrice divorced or 16 and totally wondering if you should listen to your friends and jump in the dating pool — this advice will make you wise beyond your years and will help you forever and ever.

No, it has nothing to do with keeping in shape, being a good listener or having a “great sense of humor” (I’m literally rolling my eyes at all of the Rom-Coms out there right now!!).

This advice goes much deeper. It speaks to the heart of what’s broken in our relationships, our families, our communities and in our nation. This is why the world is the way it is. Because we haven’t applied what I’m about to tell you.

In fact, if everyone took this one small piece of advice to heart, and applied to their lives, I guarantee you pain and suffering would be permanently eradicated from the planet. That’s how serious I am right now. (Okay I get it, I’m starting to sound like your school principal, but seriously guys!)

Deep breathe.


Here it is.

You won’t be happy with anyone else until you’re happy with Yourself. 


Write it down 100 times on the black board before you leave class today. (Crap, principal mode coming out again…) I mean, put it in your journal. Use a bright pink DRY ERASE marker (not a sharpie) to write it on your mirror so you’ll read it everyday when you’re getting ready to face the world.

Tattoo it on your forehead!

Make t-shirts that say this!

Carve it into your bathroom wall!!

Am I being over the top? No, I’m not being over the top.

Let this be the sail that steers your ship.

The ying that creates your yang.

The Tom that chases your Jerry.

If you understand this first and foremost, there isn't a relationship in your life that won’t FLOURISH because of it.

So what does it mean to love yourself first before you go frolicking through the digital fields of Tinder, Bumble and whatever else is in your “Dating Apps” folder on your iPhone? Well, it means that until you emerge fully into your gut-level, truest, most authentic-ist self, nothing else is going to matter.

…Take a deep breathe and imagine with me if you will.

Imagine you are taking the masks off, one by one.

You’re stepping out of all your roles. You are no longer “mom”, “daughter”, “teacher”, “sister”. You are not your job title. You are not your gender. You are not your religious belief system. You aren’t your political party either.

Imagine stripping away all your highest achievements and all your lowest of lows.

Allow yourself to move from your busy-body, overachieving head down to your neck, then down to your heart, and then drop even lower, down to your belly and go even deeper into your womb — that magic place that sits right below your belly button.

Place your hands there.

It’s dark.



Your at the bottom of the ocean now, where all is calm.

Here, absent all your worldly titles, lies the true you.

Your essence.

Your true being.

The woman underneath it all.

How does she feel? Do you love her? Do you accept her? Do you even want to be here?

Or are you struggling to stay present, struggling to embrace this person you do not know and do not care for?

If it’s the latter, we have some work to do.

You may symbolically open your eyes now, and float back up through your belly, and into your heart, but don’t go farther north than that. Yeah, let’s read the rest of this from your tender beating heart. Where true love for self resides (or soon will).

Heart-Movement #1: Love yourself first. 

•           Get to know yourself 

•           Follow your joy 

•           Follow your passions. Your heart’s desires 


When you love yourself first, you find your authenticity. Only out of your authenticity can you attract a person that is soul-aligned for you. 

 Go ahead and tattoo that one to your arm too, while you’re at it.

Heart-Movement #2: What you focus on expands. 

•           Focus on gratitude, not the lack. 

•           What are you thankful for now?

•           How are you already feeling loved and accepted for who you RIGHT NOW? 

•           Annddd do you completely love and accept yourself in this very moment?

If you want to get started right away, check out my DIY course—Sparkling Mindset. It’s a deep dive into subconscious mindset mastery.


Again, what you focus on expands. And you attract what you put out. 

Learn to control your thoughts so they’ll quick controlling you.


Heart-Movement #3: Ask yourself- are you open to receiving love?

The most common symbol I paint for my clients is an open circle, which often symbolizes the need to be open to receiving love/joy/etc. 

So many times we ask for something with closed fists. 

•           Have you healed your past hurts?

•           Have you energetically, emotionally and spiritually released old loves, old wounds, etc. or are you still tied up?

•           What do you need to release in order to have an open heart and open arms. 

We cannot receive if our arms are already full. 


A good place to start is by utilizing the interactive journal I created for this journey,

Brazenly Beautiful.


Heart-Movement #4: Be conscious of your language. 

•           Language comes from thoughts. It speaks our thoughts into being. 

•           So essentially our thoughts create our reality. 

•           Be mindful of the the thoughts you think and the words you speak. 

•           Do you say “there are no nice men” or “everyone just wants a casual relationship” or..

•           If you say and think this, you believe it and are reinforcing it in your reality. 

•           Instead create new thoughts and new words that enforce the reality you want. 

•           “My soul aligned partner is being prepared for me now”

•           “Love comes to me from all directions often and always in greater and greater amounts”

 Your thoughts create your reality. What you consciously think, you create in the life you live.

Again, I want to repeat the main message behind all the dating advice you’ve ever received:

You won’t be happy with anyone else until you’re happy with Yourself. 


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