Let's talk about the energy of settling..

How often do you find  yourself settling for less than what you truly want?

✨In your business

✨In your relationships

✨In your finances

✨In your friendships

Settling comes from a place of lack mentality. Essentially your spirit is saying, “well, I really want THAT but I guess this is good enough. I don’t need to fight for what I actually want. I don't want to cause a scene. I don't need to be rude / demanding / showy / too much /etc. 

A.K.A. you’re saying you aren't worthy of what you actually want. 😳

Do you ever catch yourself saying things like…

”...oh I wish I could go there, but…”

“I wish I was as in shape as her…”

“Must be nice to be so successful..”

“I’d love to ____ but I can’t afford it..”

All of these statements convey lack.  This type of thinking cuts you off from the infinite possibilities that the universe has for you.

It says you have no faith.

It says you live in fear.

It says you live in a limited // stuck mindset rather than a growth-oriented mindset.

Make it a point today to challenge your own hesitant thinking.  Instead of “I wish” or “I cant” why not make your reality the one you want. Go after it. Ask yourself to step up to the challenge. Decide you want something and then ask for guidance on how to make it happen.

You are infinitely powerful, my friend. You have to believe that you are supported by positive life force energy and that you can co-create anything you set your mind to. 

Release your own limitations

Expand your mind

Relax into the electric current of co-creating with the life force around you.

You are a magical maven - embrace it. 

So babe – what do you really want?

✨In your business

✨In your relationships

✨In your finances

✨In your friendships

Spend a few minutes journaling through each of these topics. 

👉 When you’re done, shoot me a comment around what came up for you.

Ways to work with me

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