How are you blocking your next level of success?

I call them '“Sparkle Stoppers” — which I’ve categorized into four distinct “ailments” that need your attention. We all have them. Those pesky tendencies we have show up right when we are getting ready to level up into the next layer of growth, expansion and success.

Just like a runny nose is often your body telling you to take some Vitamin C and rest before you get a full blown flu, these authenticity ailments are nudges from divine, asking you to do a little inner work before you get full blown Sparkle Stopped. 😳

9 times out of 10 we block our own next level of success because of these four ailments! 😬 Ugh! How annoying is that?!

Through working with hundreds of women on reaching their next level of success, I have been able to narrow down our biggest Sparkle Stoppers (or self-sabotagers) into four main archetypes. We all have a mix of them, but one is typically more prevalant than the others.

Are you the classic overthinker, the perfectionist, or is it something else? Take the quiz to find out!


“This quiz opened my eyes and made me realize that I had been creating products for others without thinking about what I most enjoy making myself. I’ll be revamping my business as a result. Thank you!”
—Katrina P., Business Owner