An ancient yogi mentality on How to reach the next level you’re aiming for

I hope your week is off to a good start.  Here in Oklahoma we’re entering the “dog days of summer” which has me rolling into the office a bit later than normal, intensely working for 3-4 hours, and then knocking off early to enjoy summer swims and cold pinot grigio on mom’s patio. 

With all the extra socializing many of us do in the warmer season, I have been watching my energy levels and thinking about something I recently learned during my yoga teacher training.  

Full disclosure - I can’t remember where I read this, or what the yogic term is, but if I do find it / remember it, I will be sure and update you.

The basic concept is to be mindful of how much time you spend with people who are on a different path than you. This isn’t coming from a place of ego, or thinking you are “better” than them, but rather from a place of safety and security for your most precious self, your energy and your mental wellness.

Many of my clients are either just starting their business or are at a place where they want to take a big leap to expand into greater heights in their business.  In either situation, it is of the utmost importance that you keep your mind, body and energy pure during these transitions. When we aim to expand ourselves, or our businesses, we are asking our inner selves to move into a higher level of being. This takes more energy, more focus. Put another way: this is goal setting 101 - we have to focus on our goals in order to achieve them

What I mean by this is that you absolutely, positively have to surround yourself with people, ideas and places that keep your inspiration, optimism and focus high.  When you are trying to do something big and you spend all your time with people who don’t get it, don’t like it, think  you’re an idiot, etc. - the chances of you succeeding become incredibly low.

It was motivational speaker Jim Rohn who gave the world the idea that we are the average of the five people we hang around the most.  This is true and important always, but even more so when you’re working toward a new goal. 

Now – your brain may already be making excuses about the family you have to be around or the friends you can't just ditch cold turkey.  Let’s talk a bit about other “people” you may be spending tons of time around.

Who do you follow on social media?  Like really follow, check-in on, adore, admire.  Your social media feed should LIGHT YOU UP!  If it drains you, there’s a pretty good sign you need to unfollow some people.  Remember, YOU are the curator of your news feed - so make it great. Follow people who are doing what you want to be doing. Follow people who inspire you. Follow people who bring you joy and curiosity and inspiration and passion.  Unfollow anyone who doesn't evoke this feeling.  UNFOLLOW.  It’s not that hard.

Then think about what’s going in your ears.  Are you listening to podcasts, books, YouTube videos that inspire you and shift your mindset into a higher belief that everything is possible for you?  People are out there doing incredible things - you just have to find them and surround yourself with them.  Don't limit yourself to the naysayers sitting next to you at work.  YOU get to decide who has influence on you. 

Are the wheels turning yet?

Here are a few journaling prompts to help you take this idea into a more practical level of your reality. Try journaling through the following prompts and see what comes up for you.

What 5 people do I spend the most time with?

Next to each name you listed, rank them on a scale from 1-10.  How do you feel after being around each of these people? 1 is totally drained and bogged down, while 10 is feeling like you can walk on water and fly in the clouds.

Reviewing your list, circle any name that you ranked below a 6.  Why did you rank them this way? Write a few sentences about how you feel after being around this person.

Is there a boundary you need to set? A routine you need to shift up? What needs to change in order to put yourself in alignment with more 10’s?

Choose your favorite social media platform.  List out, off the top of your head, the people and accounts that light you up when you follow them. 

Now make a list of people and accounts that drain your energy, cause you anxiety or make you think less of yourself. 

Now unfollow, or temporarily mute those accounts.

I hope this post was helpful for you.  It’s essential to “mind” your mentality, energy and focus as you sail toward new heights.  Be the keeper of your best self. If you’d like some accountability, you can always connect with me here to discuss how I can become your personal business coach. 

Otherwise, I hope you have a fantastic week.

PS - I’ve created a free guide that you may find helpful. Click below to check it out.

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